Surah of the week

" The originator of the heavens and earth! When He decreeth a thing,He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My weekend

Salaams everyone and I hope everyone had a good weekend.I had a very nice one masha'Allah.Friday I went to my parents and spent the night.yesterday I went to get a trim and deep condition and I got a manicure and pedicure with my mom.We later (myself ,parents, sister and godson) went to this shopping area that has a lot of restaurants and things to do.we went to the bookstore,got gelato,went to anne taylor loft and went to the cheesecake factory. Btw Anne Taylor loft has some super cute spring and summer items and it's both affordable and hijabi friendly for a lot of the was a nice day. Today we cooked out because it was 85 and just enjoyed the weather.I was on another sisters blog and I learned of a channel called the islam channel,I am not sure who get it's,maybe London (lucky!!!) but anyhow they have a show called city sisters.the awesome thing is most of them are on you tube so if you don't get this network which I don't you can enjoy them on you's so awesome!! Sorry if there are many typos since i'm posting this via a text message on my iPhone.which is sooo near by the way! I had a good weekend and I hope you all did as well.I will post some episodes of city sisters and some cut stuff from Anne Taylor later.salaams :)


Unknown said...

As salaamu alaikum sister I glad you had a good weekend , masha Allah,its always a plus when spent with family and loved ones (smile). Yes I've heard of city sisters sadly where I live we are not able to get this show on our tv , I think these sisters are great they talk about many topics and often give really great tips , masha Allah , in fact the show that I was able to see from them I think I saw it on you tube or perhaps another site (cant remember) I liked so much I saved it in my favorites , al hamdulliah . Insha Allah I will be able to catch these sisters again . Enjoy your day sister , Insha Allah, As salaamu alaikum(smile).

Yasemin said...

Assalaam Alaikum,

It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Your family also sounds very supportive which is so wonderful to see.

I LOVE Ann Taylor, and they are good aout having some conservative, but lovely undershirts. And long skirts that don't have slits. I'm glad you are beginning to solve some of the hijab in summer issues.

Unfortunately, I recently heard that they are closing a number of Ann Taylor stores very soon, so I'm glad you were able to enjoy some retail therapy before that.

And yay for the Cheesecake Factory! So delish.

I've never heard of that channel! I certainly wish though. About all we have right now is American Idol and Dancing With The Stars. Yawn....

Love you!

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