Surah of the week

" The originator of the heavens and earth! When He decreeth a thing,He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Help you, one another in al-Birr and at-Taqwaa (virtue, righteousness) but do not help one another in sin and transgression." [Soorah al-Maaidah (5): 2]

A good sister is more than a good friend.

She is a companion in this dunya, in this world. She gives naseehah (advice), shares her knowledge, keeps contact with her sisters in Islaam, does ibaadah (worship of Allaah) together with her sisters in Islaam. she protects the honour of her sisters in faith, she controls her tongue and does not spread rumours nor talks behind the back of her sisters. She is a trustworthy friend, a beloved sister.

These images below show all the things we do and experience together as sisters in Islam. We laugh, cry, get married and have children, protest, and most importantly worship Allah together!!

Sisterhood is a beautiful bond between muslimaat. Simplest way to spread love between us is to spread salaam as Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, has said,

Oh Muslimaat, be sisters.. uphold the ties of sisterhood

The bold was taken from article taken from muslimah connection (which is an awesome site Masha'allah) and the rest are my thoughts, With the new year descending upon us (and for some of us already here) we need to remember we are sisters in Islam.

Unfortunately, many of our sisters and brothers are experiencing turmoil in Palestine;lets make duas for them. Also, lets make an effort to uphold the ties of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood in good times as well.

I am so grateful for all of my friends I have come to know since creating Inspired muslimah. Subhanallah, I have learned so much and I love you all for the sake of Allah. Halal Honey, Ange, Yasmin, Umm Travis, Beautiful Muslimah, A muslim Wife, Zaenab, Aalia, Lazeena Umm Yusuf, Random Muslima, Jana, Empress Anisa, OMG there are too many to name and now I feel bad because I did not name everyone, please forgive me, I have good intentions. The point was thanks to all who have contributed to my knowledge in Islam. I sooo appreciate you all. I love my sisters in Islam!!


Ange said...

aawww shucks...

much love for you too!

washi said...

We love you too :-D

Inspired Muslimah said...

Ange and Washi: Thanks sis

بنت بيتر said...

YAY! Im here too! Woo hoo!

I love u 2 sister! May Allah give you the best in this life and the hereafter, ameen!

Empress Anisa said...

Inspired... beautiful post, sis. Yes, I agree and I can't stress HOW important sisterhood is... I did one on the very same topic a while back- we need each other for emotional and spiritual support... a shoulder in good times and bad to laugh on, to cry on and share our fears, hopes and dreams!
I love you too, my beautiful sista, for the pleasure of Allah!

Inspired Muslimah said...

Umm Travis:Thanks sis, I do love you. I just felt like this needed to be said, Sisterhood amongst muslimahs is very important and I know what an impact it has had on me

Empress Anisa: I love you too and thanks for the compliment sis. I love that post about your little girl, so cute masha'allah!

Haniyya said...

awwwww ! love you for the sake of Allah swt , sis. Very heartwarming post *someone kleenex pls*

Inspired Muslimah said...

Haniyya_Sturm:I love you too sis! I really gain so much from all my fellow bloggers ,seriously sis!

Anonymous said...

Salams Inspired Muslimah! Aw, thanks for mentioning me girl. I love you too. Your blog is really something special, I love reading what you write.

Inspired Muslimah said...

Halal Honey: Thanks so much sis, I meant it. you were my first friend and I love you for it.:D

Jana said...

Much love to you too sis :D

وحـــــــــــى القلم said...

Thank you very much
May Allah bless you dear
I really enjoyed reading you post and added your page in my favorites ...

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