Surah of the week

" The originator of the heavens and earth! When He decreeth a thing,He saith unto it only: Be! and it is.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A weekend in NYC...

Nyc on newyears is one of my favorite places. I have been for at least 5 newyears and will probably go again this newyears. This is an outfit inspired for a weekend in the big apple.

Black is the new black and its my favorite color!


Yasmin (Umm Zayd) said...

Black is so chic and so NYC. I miss home already :( well not that much lol.

Ange said...

ohhh black is so glam

Anonymous said...

Love this!:)

Inspired Muslimah said...

Yasmin, Yes I love black and I really love NYC. Iam sure you miss it!

Ange: Yes, you know black is our (me and you) absolute favorite!

Halal Honey: Thanks sis,I really like lot of these items.

[[[ x Smiley x ]]] said...

these are fab sis!
love emmmm :D

&& yeh black is simply down right sexy or the s-e-x-y word as my lil sister says it ;)

Inspired Muslimah said...

[[[ x Smiley x ]]]: Thanks sis! I luvvvvv black!

Francesca Najea Lujan said...

I wish I could go to the Big Apple with you. Tarik Salama! STo by the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood tohear the best Imam I have heard in my life, Imam Talib Abdurrashid. Please post again about your trip.

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