I may sound a little unislamic in the following post due to my anger regarding it and I apologize to my readers:
As many of you know I live right here in good old america, the land of the free!
Yeah right!
I am feeling very unpatriotic right now. After the way america treats citizens of minority status as second class citizens, its not hard. They were mad when Michelle Obama said that for the first time in her adult like she was proud to be an American.WTF??? I understand completely. I was utterly disgusted when I read this morning that
9 muslim passengers ( click purple for link to msnbc article) were removed from a commercial airline flight from Washington, DC to Orlando, Florida.
Apparently, one of the muslims had made a "suspicious comment". Airtran grounded the flight and the 9 muslim passengers consisting of a lawyer,an anesthesiologist, and other professionals, and 3 children. 8 out of the 9 travelers were american citizens and they were cleared by the FBI with no charges. Apparently, one of the passengers made a comment about the jets being close to the window and wondered if it was safe, or where the safest place on the plane was. SO the f*ck what!! Excuse me ladies for my terrible language. This just outrages me!! And get this?? Even after the FBI cleared them, Airtran refused to allow them to travel and MADE them PURCHASE new tickets with a new airline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In what world is this okay?? I am starting to hate America seriously. This is not right. I will never fly airtran again, honestly!! They always find someone to pick on. Since black people finally have
some rights in the racist country, they pick on muslims now. The system allows it and that is sad. The FBI even told airtran they were cleared and there was no security concern but airtran would not let them on NOR did they apologize.
Of the 9 people, they questioned one husband and wife who were having the conversation,but removed the other 7 MUSLIMS for association. They never even questioned them, they were just guilty by association. This is soo terrible. I feel like graduating and packing my stuff and leaving this place. I wont allow my future children to grow up in such an unfair corrupt country. Its these things that make me nervous to where hijab full time and the same thing that makes me want to wear my hijab proud and represent Islam!!!
This what I tried to explain to a few people and some just dont get it... there is definitely unequal treatment here- and ALWAYS will be-ignorance is something that will never disappear... anyhoo, if they're smart, that smells like a lawsuit to me....
I'm so sorry sis. I always pray for the States, and Canada, and Europe, that the majority understand that minorities are still being mistreated daily.
Totally how I feel. It is so wrong, it's obvious that it's profiling but they will not admit to it of course!
=( sigh ! i understand yr anger sis, its truly disheartening at times. Inshallah those 9 people are able to get justice.
Empress Anisa: I am soo saddened by that situation. I mean how humiliating?? Yes I think a lawsuit will definitely be coming, especially since one was a lawyer!!!
Pixie:Thanks sis, Its soo unfortunate. I dont know how other countries treat muslims but in the US, its not pretty.
Hijabee:Of course they wont! Disgusting isnt it!!
Haniyya_ Sturm: You know what sis. I think Air tran will get theirs! I heard they decided to reimburse them later. They smartened up and smelled a lawsuit.lol
i hate this. im going on planes next week and i dred doing it because every security check point we go to we always get pulled aside for those 'random' security checks.
alhamdullilah !!! but they still need to be slapped with lawsuit for that ignorance. *trying to calm down here* lol
Ange: Sis just becareful! I am not sure where your flying but apparently talking is a act of terrorism, so be careful,and have a wonderful trip!
Haniyya_Sturm:I agree!
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